West County Wastewater is an award-winning wastewater treatment and resource recovery agency that collects and treats wastewater for reuse, while protecting public health and the environment. We operate a 12.5 million gallons per day wastewater treatment plant and maintain 249 miles of sanitary sewer collection lines, 17 lift stations and six miles of pressure force mains. WCW’S administrative office and Water Quality and Resource Recovery Plant are located in Richmond, CA, several miles from one another.
WCW is focused on customer service, public engagement, effective problem-solving and collaboration – meeting the future with a fresh perspective and cutting-edge approach. Building a strong team is a top priority.
We are redefining the hiring process to help us meet our goals by removing formal traditional educational requirements from our job descriptions and assessing applicants based on skills and ability to meet the mission, vision and goals of the organization. This approach reduces barriers to employment in the industry and opens doors for those who may not otherwise qualify.
We are committed to the professional development and wellbeing of our employees and to providing an open, supportive and inclusive atmosphere. Creating a positive work environment for our team allows us to better serve our customers. Our employees are highly motivated, results-driven individuals who thrive on strategic thinking, innovation, teamwork and personal accountability – and who have a passion for the environment and the community we serve.

Please search our current job openings and apply online. WCW does not accept paper applications. If you do not have access to a personal computer, please visit your local library or employment assistance office.
The wastewater and water industry offers a wide range of career options – including project managers, inspectors, laboratory analysts, plant operators, business analysts, and human resources and finance professionals. Many careers are available in the public sector with cities and special districts that own and manage wastewater and drinking water facilities. Opportunities can also be found at private companies that contract with municipalities and public agencies for operations.
WCW believes that to sustain safe, reliable wastewater service, we have to invest in wastewater education and training programs. We are proud to fund and promote educational opportunities, volunteer, instruct, and offer our facilities as training locations for career programs. We also support current WCW employees with training and ongoing education.
Click on the information below for industry career and education resources.
Water & wastewater industry career opportunities include the following:
- Advanced Water Treatment Operator
- Collection System Maintenance Operator
- Drinking Water and Drinking Water Distribution Operator
- Electrical & Instrumentation Technologist
- Environmental Compliance Inspector
- Laboratory Analyst
- Mechanical Technologist
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator
Click here for more information on WCW job descriptions.
Educational Resources
- California Water Environment Association (CWEA) (cwea.org)
- CWEA Certification Programs, Grade Levels I – IV
- Advanced Water Treatment Operator
- Collection System Maintenance Operator
- Electrical & Instrumentation Technologist
- Environmental Compliance Inspector
- Laboratory Analyst
- Mechanical Technologist
- Bay Area Consortium for Water and Wastewater Education (BACWWE) (bacwa.org/education/bacwwe/)
- Sacramento State Office of Water Programs (owp.csus.edu)
- State Water Resources Control Board, Office of Operator Certification (OOC) – Wastewater Operator Certification Program (waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/operator_certification/operator_certification.html)
- Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution System Operator (waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/occupations/DWopcert.html)
- Solano Community College, Water/Wastewater Technology (solano.edu/sciences/water_wastewater_tech.php)
- Many colleges and universities offer water and wastewater courses as part of their Civil or Environmental Engineering programs
- CWEA Certification Programs, Grade Levels I – IV
Organizations such as CWEA, National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA), California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) offer scholarships to individuals interested in pursuing an education in the water or wastewater field.
Operator in Training Programs
Operator in Training (OIT) programs give individuals an opportunity to work in the field, gain experience and learn from industry experts. Many water and wastewater agencies have OIT programs. WCW offers a paid OIT program, which is rare in the industry. WCW’s OIT positions are limited-term, full-time positions with benefits. WCW engages in a competitive recruitment process when the OIT position becomes vacant.
Bay Area Consortium for Water and Wastewater Education (BACWWE) & BAYWORK
Both subcomponents of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies, BACWWE and BAYWORK aim to ensure a reliable water and wastewater workforce. Historically, BACWWE has provided low- or no-cost training courses and books to people interested in pursuing water or wastewater careers. The program is being redesigned as a scholarship program, which has been delayed due to COVID-19.
WCW has longed partnered with and financially supported the BACWWE education and training program. Learn more about WCW’s involvement here or visit the BACWWE website at bacwa.org/education/bacwwe. Learn more about BAYWORK at baywork.org.
Information regarding WCW employee agreements, memorandums of understanding (MOUs), wage schedules, and wage and benefit information is available by viewing the documents and links provided below.
WCW annually reports wage and benefit information to the California State Controller, as required by California Government Code 53908. Use the link below to look up WCW’s reported annual compensation by job title.
- MOU Local One/AFSCME Field Operations Unit thru December 31, 2024
- MOU Local One/AFSCME Managerial Employees Unit thru June 30, 2024
- Side Letter Agreement Local One/AFSCME – Managerial Employees Unit
- MOU Local One Administrative/AFSCME Clerical Unit thru June 30, 2025
- Terms and Conditions for Unrepresented Employees thru June 30, 2025
- WCW General Manager Agreement