Millions of people across the country are affected by domestic violence, regardless of race, gender, religion, culture and status. At West County Wastewater, we adamantly believe in protecting the health and safety of all people. This October, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we urge others to join us in the critical battle to end domestic violence.

Violence and abuse come in many forms, both physical and emotional, and are never acceptable. We commend national progress made over the last 27 years since the adoption of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994, including help and resources for victims, education, legislation and reform. However, there is still much work to be done.

WCW is continuously committed to supporting survivors and speaking out against abuse. We urge the community to take a stand against all forms of violence and abuse, and to act to protect neighbors, families and friends. WCW wears purple to raise awareness and show support for victims. The color purple symbolizes peace, courage, survival, honor, and dedication to ending violence.

To take action or get local help and resources, visit Stand! For Families Free of Violence at For more information, visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence website at

Read the Board of Directors’ proclamation below.